CalculiX python script:

In this section, you can find a Python script that can be used to evaluate the CalculiX job convergence for non-linear analysis.
It dynamically reads all the information from jobName.cvg and jobName.sta and displays them in an X-Y chart.
This is a slightly modified version of the original Martin Kraska script.

The complete source code is provided below, enjoy!
This is a monitor for .sta and .cvg files of calculix

import sys
import pylab
import numpy as np
import glob
import time

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("No jobname given.")
files = glob.glob("*.sta")
if len(files) == 1:
print("Found", files[0])
job = files[0][:-4]
print("Available .sta files:")
for f in files:
print(" ", f)
print("Jobname:", sys.argv[1])
job = sys.argv[1]


while True:
sta = np.genfromtxt(job + '.sta', skip_header=2, delimiter)=[6, 11, 7, 6, 14, 14, 14])
sta = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 0, 0, 0, 0]])

cvg = np.genfromtxt(job + '.cvg', skip_header=4)
if sta.ndim == 1:
sta = sta[np.newaxis, :]

iters = cvg.shape[0]
it = range(iters)
itinc = cvg.astype(int)[:, 1]
itstep = cvg.astype(int)[:, 0]
itdt = np.empty([iters])
itsteptime = np.empty([iters])

for i in it:
stp = itstep[i]
inc = itinc[i]
if cvg[i, 5] == 0.0:
cvg[i, 5] = 1.e-7

found = 0
for j in range(sta.shape[0]):
if stp == int(sta[j, 0]) and inc == int(sta[j, 1]):
itdt[i] = sta[j, 6]
itsteptime[i] = sta[j, 5]
istamax = i
icvgmax = i
found = 1
if not found:
icvgmax = i

pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)
pylab.title('Convergence Monitoring - ' + job)
pylab.semilogy(it[:istamax], itdt[:istamax], '-',
it[:icvgmax], cvg[:icvgmax, 5], '-',
it[:icvgmax], cvg[:icvgmax, 6], 'r-')
pylab.legend(['dt', 'force', 'disp'], fontsize='small', framealpha=0.5, loc=2)

sp1 = pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
pylab.plot(it[:istamax], itsteptime[:istamax], 'b-')
pylab.legend(['Step time'], fontsize='small', framealpha=0.5, loc=2)
pylab.ylabel('Step time')

sp2 = sp1.twinx()
pylab.plot(it[:icvgmax], cvg[:icvgmax, 4], 'r-')
pylab.ylabel('force Residual')


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