Download the binary from the Elmer
C:\Users\userName\Downloads\fem\multiphysics\ElmersourceFORGE page, either with or without MPI, into your download folder. For example:
Follow the installation instructions, but we advise you to use the default installation folder in:
C:\Program Files\Elmer…ReleaseName… -
Create a batch script file called "enviElmer.bat" with the following commands:
enviElmer.bat@echo off
path =%path%;C:\Program Files\ElmerFEM-mpi\bin
set HOME=C:\Users\userName\Documents\tutorials\Elmer
cd %HOME% ..
echo elmer command window
echo usage: type "elmersolver"
echo.Place it in the Elmer download folder.
Create a folder for your exemples tutorials. For examples:
C:\Users\userName\Documents\tutorials\Elmer -
Create a desktop shortcut for quick access, with the Destination box pointing to the command prompt that executes the enviElmer.bat batch file:
Destination box%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Users\userName\Downloads\fem\multiphysics\Elmer\enviElmer.bat"
From boxC:\Users\userName\Documents\calcoli\Elmer
You can use this icon file.
Once this is done, simply double-click on the Elmer icon, and the command prompt will:
Move to the tutorial folder:
Elmer console:cd tutorialCase
and launch elmesolver to run the analysis:
Elmer console:elmersolver
Once this is done, simply double-click on the Elmer icon, and the command prompt will:
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