It was a dream I pursued for many years: to share my competencies and knowledge in open-source free software within the FEM/FEA world.
Now, after more than 30 years of experiencie in nearly every kind of physics, it is time to engage in this new endeavor.
However, the question arises:
Open-source solutions available on the web are very powerful for solving true engineering problems. However, the knowledge and effort required to become an experienced user are very high, and in many situations, it could result in difficulties in using them.
As an example, the table below summarizes the versions I started to use for the CalculiX solver:

Unfortunately, all these aspects could represent an obstacle to the widespread diffusion of open-source FEM/FEA.
Hopefully, with these few sentences, I have gained your trust, and I look forward to keeping in touch soon.
Contact us at:
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