This section is dedicated to thermal propagation tutorials. Some of these tutorials are available at no cost, while others have a relatively affordable price.
The effort required to create, document, and comment on these tutorials is significant, and the knowledge involved has been accumulated through years of application and study. For these reasons, we request a small contribution for downloading them.
They are divided by analysis type and model characteristic. Some of them have a didactical pourpose while some others explain tips & triks in thermal analysis.
In any case you need to compile the form even to download free of charge tutorials.
Thermal analysis on a heat dissipator
A steady state thermal analysis with a heat power source and free convection on an aluminium dissipator.
Thermal analysis on a heat dissipator
The same as before but in CalculiX.
Thermal conduction benchmark
A steady state thermal benchmark between CalculiX, Elmer and OpenFOAM solvers.
Thermal analysis on a MTB disk-break
Steady state thermal analysis using breack heat power and free convection.
Friction heat generation
In this tutorial ten clutch engagement were simulated with 4[s] on and 56[s] off.
Transient analysis on a plastic nut
Thermal transient analysis on a plastic nut.
Bistable valve dissipation Joule Heating
Transient thermal analysis of an abnormally functioning coil.
Thermal analysis brick wall
Steady state thermal conductivity in a brick wall.
Heat transfert natural convection
In this tutorial is explained how to set a steady and transient analysis and how to compute various physical quantities like heat transfert at the wall due to natural convection.
Heat Flux CHT coefficient estimation
In this model, the water jacket cooling system in an electric engine is simulated.
Steady state buoyant thermal analysis
Resistance tub dishwasher 1100[W] 230[V].
Thermal analysis on a window
Steady state thermal conductivity in a window.
Thermal analysis on an house
Steady state thermal insulation of a complete house.
Under construction…
This section will be ready soon and many other tutorials will be loaded …