Electromagnetic tutorials

This section is dedicated to electromagnetic tutorials. Some of these tutorials are available at no cost, while others have a relatively affordable price.

The effort required to create, document, and comment on these tutorials is significant, and the knowledge involved has been accumulated through years of application and study. For these reasons, we request a small contribution for downloading them.

They are divided by analysis type and model characteristic. Some of them have a didactical pourpose while some others explain tips & triks in electromagnetic analysis.

In any case you need to compile the form even to download free of charge tutorials.

Electromagnetic switch in a bistable servo-assisted valve 3D

seat-belt braket deformation

Verification of the results in a 3D model versus the corrispondant axial-symmetric one.

Electromagnetic analysis on a micro hydro generator

seat-belt braket deformation

Electromagnetic and fluidynamic analysis on a turbine hydro generator.

Under construction…

under construction

This section will be ready soon and many other tutorials will be loaded …