This section is dedicated to optimization and other examples
Optimization algorithm
A didactical explenation of different optimization process.
Optimization using Genetic Algorithm
A Genetic Algorithm applied to find the absolute minimum of a bidimensional function.
Didactical tutorial for various types of Optimization
The classical water heater examples solved in different way for didactical pourposes.
Optimization using Genetic Algorithm
A Genetic Algorithm applied to minimize the copper mass coil in a electromagnetic actuator.
Optimization using Genetic Algorithm
A Genetic Algorithm applied to minimize the error respect a tensile dog bone test for a rubber material.
Optimization of a rim wheel
An optimization process applied to the rim wheel weight under some specific loads. A genetic algorithm had been used.
Uncertainy Quantification
Uncertain Quantification as results of tollerancies in a bistable electromagnetic valve.
Under construction…
This section will be ready soon and many other tutorials will be loaded …